Quotes From "Do Purpose: Why Brands With A Purpose Do Better And Matter More" By David Hieatt

Small budgets require brave ideas. David Hieatt
Sleep is the multiplier of energy. David Hieatt
A brand is a story. And you have to tell it well. The good news in this connected world great stories travel fast. And, these days, they travel for free. So there has never been a better time or a cheaper time to start something. David Hieatt
There’s a point on a runway during take-o that a plane reaches V1 speed. Once it passes V1, it has reached the point of no return. The point where take-o cannot be aborted. It has to take o . Or crash. In order to determine its V1 speed every plane will factor in its weight, wind-speed, weather conditions, slope, length of runway etc. So although there’s not a physical line drawn on each runway, it’s there. . David Hieatt
Do one thing well. It's enough. David Hieatt
Three factors must be present for meaningful organisational change to take place. These factors are: D= Dissatisfaction with how things are now. V= Vision of what is possible. F= First, concrete steps that can be takentowards the vision. If the product of these three factors is greater than R = Resistance then change is possible. David Hieatt
Tomorrow your reputation has to be made again. David Hieatt
Failure to commit is as bad as failure to start. David Hieatt
The job of the brand is to make that nameand that logo stand for something. To live its founding principles each day. To stay true. David Hieatt
It's a labour of love. And you are both the labour and the love. David Hieatt
The only thing that matters is everything. David Hieatt
Reputation takes decades to make. And can be lost in one tweet. Think about that before you press the send button. David Hieatt
Great ideas often have no reference points. We have nothing to compare them to. They are original, and awkward. And so they are the most vulnerable to people trying to kill them. They do not conform to what exists, so they challenge us. David Hieatt
Average dies quicker than ever before. Digital doesn't mess around. It's binary. David Hieatt
Teams build a business. Culture builds the team. David Hieatt
Teams gather around change. David Hieatt
If you run a business, 80% of your business probably comes from 20% of your customers. If you are a creative person, 80% of your awards/recognition/income will come from 20% of your output. David Hieatt
Life is complicated. Sport is simple. David Hieatt
The real badge of honour at work is not to work longer than anyone else, but to work smarter than anyone else. David Hieatt
Self-imposed insanely impossible deadlines often help. David Hieatt
99% of businesses fail for one reason. They never start. David Hieatt
Find a bigger enemy than just a rival brand. It can be bad design. It can be time. It can be pollution. It can be ugliness. It can be bad service. It can be landfill. It can be complexity. But pick your enemy well. It will drive you forward. David Hieatt
The most important brands in the world make you feel something. They do that because they have something they want to change. And as customers, we want to be part of that change. These companies have a reason to exist over and above just to make a profit: They have a purpose. Yes, we admire the product they make. But the thing we love the most about them is the change they are making. David Hieatt
Hot passion is a bit like infatuation — it burns brightly, but fades quickly. David Hieatt
Cold passion’ is calm, considered and long lasting. Both the brain and the heart are working together. Emotions have been takenout of decision-making. And decisions are given time, looked at from all angles. Cold passion is much more effective at getting results. David Hieatt
You will need to create a discipline where head and heart can bothbe involved in the decisions that you make. Taking the emotion out of something you feel very passionate about is far from easy. But easy don’t build great. David Hieatt
Call your heroes. They have telephones too. David Hieatt
The best business models become role models for others. David Hieatt
Don't rely on good principles to sell an inferior product. David Hieatt
Rule No. 1. Make a great product. Rule No. 2. Don't forget rule No.1. David Hieatt
Build a company you would never sell. David Hieatt
Each day you’re given 86, 400 seconds from the ‘Time Bank’. Everyone is given the same. There are no exceptions. Once you make your withdrawal, you’re free to spend it as you want. The ‘Time Bank’ won’t tell you how to spend it. Time poorly spent will not be replaced with more time. Time doesn’t do refunds. David Hieatt
Treat distractions as the enemy. The internet is brilliant but it is one very efficient way of wasting your time. David Hieatt