Quotes From "Do More Better: A Practical Guide To Productivity" By Tim Challies

No amount of organization and time management will compensate for a lack of Christian character, not when it comes to this great calling of glory through good–bringing glory to God by doing good to others. Tim Challies
Christian productivity is unique. Most productivity gurus will encourage you to be as selfish as you need to be, to get rid of anything that doesn’t interest or excite you. But as a Christian you know you can do things that do not perfectly fit your mission but still do them out of love for God and with a desire to glorify him. Tim Challies
Productivity is not what will bring purpose to your life,...
Productivity is not what will bring purpose to your life, but what will enable you to excel in living out your existing purpose. Tim Challies
Productivity–true productivity–will never be better or stronger than the foundation...
Productivity–true productivity–will never be better or stronger than the foundation you build it upon. Tim Challies