Quotes From "Dissonance" By G.S. Jennsen

People feared what they did not understand, and they without a doubt did not understand her. Those who believed they did least of all. She was something new. G.S. Jennsen
2 SECONDSHe was on her in an instant to brace her against the wall. She kicked and clawed at her unseen attacker, skin and irises ablaze in caustic gold. She fired anew, and the point-blank shot broke through his defenses, grazing his hip. He ignored the harsh sting to bring his Daemon up between them.1 SECOND G.S. Jennsen
Alex screamed and lashed out at the points of light from within, desperate for something tangible to rage against. Caleb wrapped his arms around her from behind and coaxed her out while glaring at the Metigen in loathing. Then he lessened his hold on her to a single hand. Together they turned their backs on the alien and began walking away. G.S. Jennsen
Crushed sandstone sifted through Caleb’s fingers, insubstantial as dust. A breeze caught the debris mid-fall and spirited it away before it could join the ashes blanketing the ground. He stopped in the middle of what had once been a street, his arms pulled in at his sides, his fists balled in barely restrained fury. G.S. Jennsen
We’ll go along with it for now. Valkyrie, keep close watch and be ready to swoop to the rescue.”‘ Hopefully swooping will not be required, nor rescue. But I am ready to do both.’ He squeezed her hand. “Alex?”“I’m ready, too. G.S. Jennsen
The universe is not ordered, and it will not become so simply because one wishes it. The universe is chaos made manifest. The military does a fine job of creating an illusion of structure, of dependable rules to provide an answer for every situation. “But it is only an illusion, one which on its best days holds the chaos at bay. G.S. Jennsen
The alien reached out her hands to hold Alex’s tightly. “Please. Some of what I want to express, it may be difficult to locate the right words.”“ Of course.” Pure alabaster eyes stared back at her. “Child, there is a hole in your mind. G.S. Jennsen
She climbed into the shuttle and got in his personal space. “Who are you working for?” The man spat in her face. She rolled her eyes and wiped the spittle off her cheek. Then she punched him square across the jaw before grabbing him by the throat. “WHO are you working for? G.S. Jennsen
Children are turning themselves into monsters and, quite frankly, it is your fault. You initiated the creation of this technology, then you allowed it to slip through your fingers.” Miriam’s jaw tightened. “I disagree, but now is the least optimal time imaginable for assigning blame. People are dying, and I will not stand around debating semantics with you while they are. G.S. Jennsen
You ask me to make peace with the monsters who did this?” She didn’t even look around at ‘this.’ “Yes. The alternative is extinction. There’s no coming back from that–no new weapon to fire when no one is left and you’ve no universe left to fire it in. G.S. Jennsen
Her perception was propelled backward, as if it were being pulled into a vortex. She slammed into her body, and her eyes flew open with a gasp.“ Alex?” She sat straight up in the chair and grabbed Caleb by the shoulders. “We have to save them. G.S. Jennsen
Given a choice, it seems like pity would be easier to bear than mockery, but that's not true. Mockery hardens defenses; pity slips through, finds the softest places you have, and slices to the bone. Pity will break you, every time. Erica ORourke
You're jealous, " I said. His face went cold and remote, and I knew I should shut up, but my humiliation had been festering since the game, turning to anger, thick and oily in my veins. I couldn't stop myself. it was leaking out, contaminating everything, poisoning the one good thing I had left. "You're jealous because I actually go after what I want, and I get it. Erica ORourke