Quotes From "Devils Brood" By Sharon Kay Penman

Statecraft and kingship were not for the faint of heart Sharon Kay Penman
The great hall was shimmering in light, sun streaming from the open windows, and ablaze with colour, the walls decorated with embroidered hangings in rich shades of gold and crimson. New rushes had been strewn about, fragrant with lavender, sweet woodruff, and balm.. the air was.. perfumed with honeysuckle and violet, their seductive scents luring in from the gardens butterflies as blue as the summer sky. . Sharon Kay Penman
He’d passed the longest night of his life locked in mortal combat with his ghosts, calling up and then disavowing twenty years of memories. He would banish that bitch from his heart if it meant cutting her out with his own dagger. And when at last he allowed himself to grieve, he did so silently and unwillingly, his tears hidden by the darkness, his rage congealing into a core of ice. Sharon Kay Penman
When does he ever think?" Richard straddled a chair and accepted a wind cup from Raoul. "If he were to sell his brain, he could claim it had never been used.", Chapter 7 Sharon Kay Penman
It is not easy to be stranded between two worlds, the sad truth is that we can never feel completely comfortable in either world Sharon Kay Penman
As was his way, once he acknowledged the problem, he set about finding a means to resolve it Sharon Kay Penman
I am not going to let him win, Guillaume. Not this time. I could not keep him from making my mother pay the price for our failed rebellion. Fifteen years she has been his prisoner, fifteen years! And she is his prisoner, for all that she no longer wants for a queen’s comforts. I have had to submit to his demands and subject myself to his whims and endure the indignity of having him brandish the crown before me as he would tease a dog with a bone. But no more. I will not let him rob me of my birthright, and I will not let him keep me from honoring my vow to defend the Holy Land. I do think he is behind that very opportune rebellion in my duchy, and I would not put it past him to be conniving with the Count of Toulouse, either. And if by chance he did not, it is only because he did not think of it. No, a reckoning is long overdue, and we will have it at Bonsmoulins. . Sharon Kay Penman
Twilight was laying claim to the cité, and the sky was a deepening shade of lavender, spangled with stars and fleecy clouds the colour of plums. Sharon Kay Penman
Get some sleep. Our troubles will still be there on the morrow Sharon Kay Penman