Quotes From "Demon Days: Angel Of Light" By Richard Finney

A lizard brain fired the gun that wounded you, but it was the combination of three brains that orchestrated the elaborate circumstances in which the trigger was pulled. Way back when, the Landlord believed a second brain would endow some of his lower life forms with the capacity for emotional connections. By adding the third brain, he probably planned on having his.. higher forms empowered with the ability to not only think before acting, but to feel regret afterwards when their actions were wrong. But that’s not what happened, is it? . Richard Finney
Sometimes the hardest journeys are the ones that begin with little hope. But we need to take them anyway. Richard Finney
After everything I've been through, the last thing I'm going to apologize for is my paranoia. Richard Finney
I believe that on any trip to heaven, there are always detours through hell. Richard Finney
Oh God, ” Jenna said, “will you shut up and kiss me before I change my mind? Richard Finney
When Carri died, I felt like I had lost everything, except my life, and my memories of her. Now I can’t even dream of her... Richard Finney