Quotes From "Dark Star" By Alan Furst

A moment comes, and if you wish to look at yourself as human, you must take some kind of action. Otherwise, you can read the newspapers and congratulate yourself on your good fortune. Alan Furst
Whether they loved each other or not, they were lovers. And he was damned if he'd see her sucked into this brutal business. Alan Furst
But...he's a demon. Isn't that sort of the main category of Things to Smite? Bethany Frenette
Having lived in a mythical country, a place neither here nor there, these intellectuals from Vilna and Gomel helped create another and called it the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Such a name! It was hardly a union. The Soviets - workers’ councils - ruled it for about six weeks; socialism impoverished everybody, and only machine guns kept the republics from turning into nations. But to Szarza and the rest it didn’t matter. He’d put his life on the line, preferring simply to die at the wrong end of a gun rather than the wrong end of a club, and for twelve years - until 1929, when Stalin finally took over - he lived in a kind of dream world, a mythical country where idealistic, intellectual Jews actually ran things, quite literally a country of the mind. Theories failed, peasants died, the land itself dried up in despair. Still they worked twenty hours a day and swore they had the answer. . Alan Furst
There were moments when Szara suspected that many idealists drawn to Communism were, at heart, people with an appetite for clandestine life. Alan Furst