Quotes From "Dark Inside" By Jeyn Roberts

I'm just sorry. Sorry that there won't be any more camping trips for kids or rock bands or even new books to read. No more movies or fresh bags of popcorn. It really sucks when you think about it. Of course, there is the possibility that we might be able to win this war, but not for a very long time. Probably longer than you and I will ever exist in this world."" I try not to think about it."" Sometimes it's all I ever think about. Jeyn Roberts
The stranger smiled at her. "Humanity has found a cure to a disease they never new existed. Jeyn Roberts
There are different types of people in the world. There are people who accept what's in front of them unquestioningly. The live in the dark. In defeat. Ignoring what the future might bring or how they might help to make things happen. Then there are people like me. Optimists. They too live in the dark, in times like these, but dream of the light. I trust in the possibilities of betterness. I believe there is more to life than this. I have to. There's no other choices for me. Jeyn Roberts
You make them sound human."" Aren't they? A lot of monsters are human." She couldn't argue with that. Jeyn Roberts
There are ruins all over the world, testaments of the atrocities, and burial chambers of the lost souls. But the facts are always misinterpreted. History is inaccurate. Jeyn Roberts
We've been around for a long time, Mr. Dowell. Longer than you or any of your stupid little friends could ever conceive. Sleeping in the shadows and waiting for the right moment. A disease you might call us. A plague. Evil. From beneath the ground, it rises as it has done many times in the past. Jeyn Roberts
What lies beneath has pushed its way to the surface once again. Time to get away while there is still air left in our lungs. Jeyn Roberts