Quotes From "Crocodile Chamber" By Gayendra Abeywardane

An entire planet pretending to be uncomfortable with the humanitarian crisis while engrossed in distractions on their mobile screens. Humanity ignoring their inevitable existential crisis. Gayendra Abeywardane
Humanity was an ugly word when such cruelty was inflicted on one another. Gayendra Abeywardane
The money we slaved for, bought information that kept us all trapped inside a chamber of lies and running on a greed wheel. Gayendra Abeywardane
The cruelty of men had infected the land, and sea only swept in sharp waves to the shores. Gayendra Abeywardane
The physics of gravity was not reserved only for large celestial objects to efficiently exert. Gayendra Abeywardane
He read the words, wondering when cruelty won the vote from democracy. Gayendra Abeywardane
Life was less of a mystery for every digit that age handed over to him. Time, however, became more cryptic and dealt in destructive consequences. Gayendra Abeywardane
At first, you get your jaw broken but next time you know better than anyone how to protect yourself. Gayendra Abeywardane
Some needs superseded our own wellbeing, and we let ourselves be destroyed by greed and results of our own careless mistakes. We pretend not to notice, the things that meaninglessly deplete us away. Gayendra Abeywardane