Quotes From "Chivalrys Code" By Elizabeth Carlton

After all of this you're still 'Rayhan the Chivalrous', full...
After all of this you're still 'Rayhan the Chivalrous', full of hope and optimism? Elizabeth Carlton
Was it worth it? My death, I mean. Did I...
Was it worth it? My death, I mean. Did I die for something worthwhile? Elizabeth Carlton
Watch your back. Ain't a thing in armor worth trustin' out there. Elizabeth Carlton
Killing me will not end your grief. It will only create more of it. Elizabeth Carlton
What of your sins, Rogue? If the hero encountered you today, would he spare you a date with his sword? Elizabeth Carlton
Fine is the line between vengeance and justice. Blur it and you become no better than him. Elizabeth Carlton
No, no. By all means, lead on. Nothing gets the blood pumping more than hunting down the biggest threat to the realm and deciding we'll just wing it. Elizabeth Carlton