Quotes From "Chasers Of The Light: Poems From The Typewriter Series" By Tyler Knott Gregson

Be gentle, always delicatewith every soulyou meet, for every single morningyou wake up, there is someone Wishing, silentlyand secretly, that theyhad not. Tyler Knott Gregson
Part those sheetslike holy watersand I will worship you skinlike a born-againbeliever. Tyler Knott Gregson
What if it's the thereand not the herethat I long for? The wanderand not the wait, the magicin the lost feetstumbling downthe faraway streetand the way the moonnever hangsquite the same. Tyler Knott Gregson
I am filled with wonderings, questions and doubt, but of one thing I am certain: it will always be youthat gives flight to the butterflies inside me;calm to the sea I have become and hope to the darkness all around us. It is you and it has always been you...you. Tyler Knott Gregson