Quotes From "Celine" By Peter Heller

There might not be a measure of happiness left in...
There might not be a measure of happiness left in a life, but there could be beauty and grace and endless love. Peter Heller
When we are most scared is the time to summon...
When we are most scared is the time to summon our clearest concentration and move forward, not back. Peter Heller
Pursuing fun is exhausting. Having fun is just fun. Much more relaxing just to do your work, don't you think? I mean if you enjoy it. Peter Heller
Happiness was not a word that seemed to apply anymore, when she had lost so many close to her. There was a contentment that felt deeper, that acknowledged and accepted the quieter offerings of small joys-- of love and occasional peace in a life that was full of pain. Peter Heller
He's a cocky SOB. He knew the Nick Adams Stories. Probably a frustrated English major who graduated from college qualified to drive a cab. Peter Heller