Quotes From "Calibans War" By James S.A. Corey

Every empire grow until its reach exceeds its grasp James S.A. Corey
And somehow, that changed everything about sex. The movements might all be the same, but the desire to communicate affection rather than demonstrate prowess changed what everything meant. James S.A. Corey
I don’t kill children, ” she said. “Not even when it’s the right thing to do. James S.A. Corey
Reputation never has very much to do with reality. I could name half a dozen paragons of virtue that are horrible, small-souled, evil people. And some of the best men I know, you'd walk out of the room if you heard their names. No one on the screen is who they are when you breathe their air. Chrisjen Avasarala James S.A. Corey
I mean, yes, I did ask that. But that’s not the part that you should be caring about right now. You lied to me. Your involvement with weaponizing the Protogen project is fully exposed, and that question is like asking what color Tuesday was. It’s meaningless. James S.A. Corey
We're all traitors now.” “Ha! ” the old lady said. “Only if we lose. James S.A. Corey
It felt like waking up over and over without falling sleep in between. James S.A. Corey
Io, this is Admiral Muhan of the Martian Congressional Republic Navy. You fire anything bigger than a bottle rocket and we will glass the whole fucking moon. Do you read me? James S.A. Corey
It was a mating dance only slightly more dignified than presenting like a mandrill, but endearing in its own fashion. James S.A. Corey
I'm sorry you lost the suit, ' he said. She shrugged.' At this point, it was mostly a metaphor anyway, ' she said... James S.A. Corey
A near-fatal case of scurvy being the only reason I can imagine drinking something with grapefruit juice in it. James S.A. Corey