Quotes From "By Way Of Accident" By

Words are great, but even I can admit they have certain short-comings. No word can ever give justice to a smile from a man who never smiled or to an old woman who gives up her seat on the bus to a soldier who lost his leg. And I’m still convinced there’s no word out there for the feeling you get the first time you ever hit home plate or bury your first dog or muster up enough courage to tell a girl you love her. Unknown
The past isn’t always as beautiful as we paint it in our minds. Unknown
Maybe everything really does just have an expiration date–one that you can’t see until she tells you she’s leaving, and then she’s gone. Unknown
But kind of like when you move something on a wall after it’s been there for a long time, and its place is bright but everything around it is faded–that’s how I feel about her. She wasn’t there very long, but when she left, everything around her memory sort of dimmed. Unknown
A part of me will probably always be waitin’ for her. And even when I get to the end of this life and she’s not there, I think I’ll still just wait. It’s the cruel reality of love, I think–that once you find it, it’s yours to carry. And even if you lose it and never find it back again, I think you still just keep on carrying it...and waitin’–long after the curtain closes. Unknown
We’re all livin’ in the past..we’re really always eighty milliseconds behind life happenin’..that’s how long it takes our brains to comprehend what’s already taken place right in front of our eyes. So, I guess I’m not alone. Everyone’s livin’ in the past, to some extent. I’ve just become a prisoner of mine.. I’ve become a prisoner–willingly. But then I guess you really can’t be called a prisoner if you willingly carry the chains. Unknown
Just remember, the single most important thing in this world is love. You find it, you fight for it. Unknown
Brooke was always my summer. She’ll always be my summer. And I had already made my choice a long time ago. Loving Brooke was what I was made to do. Unknown