Quotes From "Brother Odd" By Dean Koontz

Money and beauty are defenses against the sorrows of this...
Money and beauty are defenses against the sorrows of this world but neither can undo the past. Only time will conquer time. The way forward is the only way back to innocence and to peace. Dean Koontz
His resiliency was not the resiliency of the dumb but of a lamb who can remember hurt but cannot sustain the anger or the bitterness that brittles the heart. Dean Koontz
And because we have been given thought, will, and imagination, albeit on a human scale, we too have this power to create. Dean Koontz
Then perhaps you shouldn't sleep. The imagination has terrifying power. Dean Koontz
A sixth sense is a miraculous thing, which in itself suggests a supernatural order. The human intellect, however, for all its power and triumphs, is largely formed by this world and is therefore corruptible. Dean Koontz
It's a world of sorrow, Oddie, because we make it so. Dean Koontz
Living in a monastery, even as a guest rather than a monk, you have more opportunities than you might have elsewhere to see the world as it is, instead of through the shadow that you cast upon it. Dean Koontz
Life had been hard on this girl, Jacob, but she had enough courage for an army. Dean Koontz
Human beings not only can't bear too much reality, we flee from reality when someone doesn't force us close enough to the fire to feel the heat on our faces. Dean Koontz
The past cannot be redeamed. What has been and what might have been both bring us to what is. To know grief, we must be in the river of time, because grief thrives in the present and promises to be with us in the future until the end point. Only time conquers time and its burdens. There is no grief before or after time, which is all the consolation we should need. Dean Koontz
Translating the words on the door, he said, "Light from light." "Waste and void, waste and void. Darkness on the face of the deep, " I said. "Then God commanded light. The light of the world descends from the Everlasting Light that is God.""That is surely one thing it means, " said Romanovich. "Bit it may also mean that the visible can be born from the invisible, That matter can arise from energy that thought is a form of energy and that thought itself can be concretized into the very object that is imagined. Dean Koontz
In this world where too many are willing to see only the light that is visible, never the Light Invisible, we have a daily darkness that is night, and we encounter another darkness from time to time that is death, the deaths of those we love, but the third and most constant darkness is with us everyday, at all hours of every day, is the darkness of the mind, the pettiness and meanness and hatred, which we have invited into ourselves, and which we pay out with generous interest. Dean Koontz
When you laugh at yourself, you gain perspective. Then you realize that the mistakes you made, as long as they didn't hurt anyone but yourself––well, you can forgive yourself for those. Dean Koontz
You are reformed, you may be a better man, but you are not a different man. How can you convince yourself of such a thing when you are so conversant with the theology of your faith? From one end of this life to the other, you carry with you all that you have done. Absolution grants you forgiveness for it, but does not expunge the past. The man you were still lives within you, repressed by the man you have struggled to become. . Dean Koontz
My imagination is as rich as my bank account is empty. Dean Koontz
You can't fix things with a hug, but you can't make them any worse either. Dean Koontz
When we hope, we usually hope for the wrong thing. We yearn for tomorrow and the progress that it presents. But yesterday was once tomorrow, and where was the progress in it? Or we yearn for yesterday, for what was or what might have been. But as we are yearning, the present is becoming the past, so the past is nothing but our yearning for second chances. Dean Koontz
Her stare was direct and unwavering, full of confidence earned from painful experience... Dean Koontz
A grace is a thing you get from God, you use it to make a better world, or not use it, you have to choose. Dean Koontz
In twenty-one years, I have not considered changing to Todd. The bizarre course of my life suggests that Odd is more suited to me, whether it was conferred by my parents with intention or fate. Dean Koontz
These days, all I ask of Fate is that the people she hurls into my life, whether they are evil or good, or morally bipolar, should be amusing to one degree or another. This is a big request to make of busy Fate, who has billions of lives to keep in constant turmoil. Dean Koontz
These days, all I ask Fate is that the people she hurls into my life, whether they are evil or good, or morally bipolar, should be amusing to one degree or another. Dean Koontz
But with the morning almost gone, with seven bodachs in the recreation room, with living boneyards stalking the storm, with Death opening the door to a luge chute and inviting me to go for a bobsled ride, I didn't have time to put on a victim suit and tell the woeful tale of my sorrowful childhood. Neither time nor the inclination Dean Koontz
I don't know if this deception qualified as a half-step down the slippery slope. I had no sensation of sliding. But of course we never notice the descent until we're rocketing along at high velocity. Dean Koontz
Some people like to hear themselves talk, but I like to hear myself silent. Dean Koontz
Quantum theory tells us, Mr. Thomas, that every point in the universe is intimately connected to every other point, regardless of apparent distance. In some mysterious way, any point on a planet in a distant galaxy is as close to me as you are. Dean Koontz
With lead he shaded love into the woman's eyes. Dean Koontz
Although much that was precious has been taken from me in this life, I have reason to remain an optimist. After the numerous tight scrapes I've been through, by now I should have lost one leg, three fingers, one buttock, most of my teeth, an ear, my spleen, and my sense of fun. But here I am. Dean Koontz
All she wanted was love with respect, respect was so important to her, and I could give her that. Dean Koontz
I've been badly scared myself, badly, for quite a few years now. You learn to live with it. Dean Koontz
So, " said the Russian, after regaining is composure, "the lesson of the model is that the universe––all its matter and forms of energy––arise out of thought. Dean Koontz
More likely, they would just cease to exist."" That's death."" No, it's different. Death leaves a corps. Dean Koontz
Eventually he understood that he was crying for himself. He was ashamed of the man whom he had become, mourning the man whom he had expected to be when he'd been a boy. Dean Koontz
When I woke up and the dark wasn't gone yet, and the dark seemed so big, then she sang soft and made the dark small again." That is the best of all things we can do for one another: Make the dark small. Dean Koontz
Sleep is a kind of peace, and I have not yet earned peace. Dean Koontz
Sometimes enlightenment descends upon you when you least expect it... Dean Koontz
Don't you love your mother, dear?"" I guess so. A hard, sharp, thorny kind of love that might be pity more than anything else. Dean Koontz
Funny how people that don't believe in nothin' are so quick to believe every crazy story about people like us. Dean Koontz
Nothing supernatural has ever harmed me. My wounds and losses have all be at the hands of human beings... Dean Koontz
She said...she said don't be scared, we wasn't born to be all the time scared, we was born happy, babies laugh at everything, we was born happy and to make a better world. Dean Koontz
On the third, directly before me, were embedded more polished letters: PER OMNIA SAECULA SAECULORUM.For ever and ever. In the red light, the brushed steel glowed softly, like embers. The polish letters blazed. Without a hiss, For ever and ever slid aside, as though inviting me to eternity. Dean Koontz
Mr. Thomas, any scientist will tell you that in nature many systems appear to be chaotic, but when you study them long enough and closely enough, strange order always underlies the appearance of chaos. Dean Koontz
Embrace the weather, child, and you'll understand the balance of the world. Dean Koontz
...because wherever else the future leads, it leads ultimately to death, the end that is present in my beginning and in yours. Dean Koontz