Quotes From "Breakthrough: How To Have Compassion For Those Who Do Harm" By Laurie Perez

Feel compassion for your own heart that was broken open by grief or confusion. Then tune in to the other level of that experience. Some part of you was heroic inside that moment of your life. Some part of you was looking out for you, wanting you to make it through, encouraging you to love and heal and be larger than the message you were getting. Access the hero inside your own story.... Laurie Perez
The more at ease you are in the world, the more vibrant, creative and easygoing the world in you becomes. Laurie Perez
Feeling compassion toward a dangerous person will not lead you to submit to them or put yourself at risk or condone their actions. What it does simply, is relieve your anxiety — which immediately makes you stronger and more resilient. Laurie Perez
A common mistake people make is assuming compassion requires some kind of action they’re not ready to take. In other words, if I feel compassion for this dangerous, havoc-wreaking person (or for my tedious co-workers, the guy who cut me off in traffic, my abusive parents, that politician, etc.) then I’ll have to drop everything I’m into and go hug and try to heal or help..or..do something I don’t know how to do. Not so. Compassion begins within; the compassion you have for yourself will guide you to act or detach with regard for your own well-being. . Laurie Perez