Quotes From "Born Ready: Unleash Your Inner Dream Girl" By Jennifer Elisabeth

Stop trying to be less of who you are. Let...
Stop trying to be less of who you are. Let this time in your life cut you open and drain all of the things that are holding you back. Jennifer Elisabeth
I can do this… I can start over. I can save my own life and I’m never going to be alone as long as I have stars to wish on and people to still love. Jennifer Elisabeth
Don’t worry if people think you’re crazy. You are crazy. You have that kind of intoxicating insanity that lets other people dream outside of the lines and become who they’re destined to be. Jennifer Elisabeth
For so many years, I couldn’t understand why every time I thought that someone finally loved me, like… for real, they would eventually turn to vapor. Every person whom I’ve ever loved is trapped inside of my chest. I’ve breathed all of them in so deeply that I’ve nearly choked and died on every soul that I’ve ever given myself to. Jennifer Elisabeth
I want to be the best version of myself for...
I want to be the best version of myself for anyone who is going to someday walk into my life and need someone to love them beyond reason. Jennifer Elisabeth
I look out into the water and up deep into the stars. I beg the sparkling lanterns of light to cure me of myself – my past and the kaleidoscope of mistakes, failures and wrong turns that have stacked unbearable regret upon my shoulders. Jennifer Elisabeth
Does our purpose on Earth directly link to the people...
Does our purpose on Earth directly link to the people whom we end up meeting? Are our relationships and experiences actually the required dots that connect and then lead us to our ultimate destinies? Jennifer Elisabeth
I fantasize the night sky to be like a cosmic...
I fantasize the night sky to be like a cosmic blue print of my life as I close my eyes and unbutton my heart…. just in case anyone up there is listening. Jennifer Elisabeth
I’ve always seen this in you, ever since you were a little girl – this hunger to love other people into their highest selves and it’s what has made me irreversibly and just so forever in love with you. Jennifer Elisabeth
Please… Whoever you are, whatever you are… I believe in you even though I don’t completely understand you. I feel you around me even though I can’t exactly describe what I’m feeling. Sometimes things happen to me and I know that you’re there and I’m humbled by the lack of coincidence that exists in the world. Whatever you want from me, it’s yours – just please help me. You know how I get when I lose control, and I find myself constantly being pulled back there these days. Jennifer Elisabeth
I feel a resurgence of my 6-year-old self… that little...
I feel a resurgence of my 6-year-old self… that little warrior, goddess of a girl reminding me of who I was when I was little, before the world got its hands on me. Jennifer Elisabeth
I’m going to follow this invisible red thread until I find myself again… until I finally figure out… who I’m meant to be. Jennifer Elisabeth
I really believe that there is an invisible red thread tied between him and me, and that it has stretched and tangled for years – across oceans and lifetimes. I know that it won’t break because our souls are tied. Jennifer Elisabeth
I want you to trust yourself, baby. Love is all...
I want you to trust yourself, baby. Love is all that matters and you’ve always known that. You’ve known, since you were a very little girl, what your life is meant to be about… Jennifer Elisabeth
Starting over can be the scariest thing in the entire world, whether it’s leaving a lover, a school, a team, a friend or anything else that feels like a core part of our identity but when your gut is telling you that something here isn’t right or feels unsafe, I really want you to listen and trust in that voice. Jennifer Elisabeth
Being a Dream Girl is never going to be about what you look like or how much you weigh. After all, our physical appearances are just reflections of our inner worlds. What makes you a Dream Girl is your emotional sensitivity, your self-awareness, and your ability to communicate who you are effectively and compassionately in the world. Jennifer Elisabeth
This is your life — not your parents’, teachers’ or significant other’s. If you ever find yourself on a path that just doesn’t feel safe anymore, you have every right to stop the car, get out — change your shoes and start walking. Jennifer Elisabeth
I never want you to deny anything about yourself because...
I never want you to deny anything about yourself because you have grown up thinking it’s unacceptable or inconvenient for the people around you. Jennifer Elisabeth
Can you identify the source preventing you from feeling good every single day, from loving yourself unconditionally and making your dreams come true? Is it a voice in your head or a gut wrenching ache that compromises your inner peace and doesn’t allow you to accept the love around you? Is there one thing, or maybe many things, keeping you from forgiving your past and moving forward, tormenting you with lies like “You don’t deserve real love so just settle for whatever you can get, ” “You’re not smart enough to achieve your dream so don’t even try, ” or “Look at your past… you should hate yourself way more than you actually do! ”? Welcome to your Little Monster. Jennifer Elisabeth
Even if we try to conform to ideals and strive for perfection, we will always be pulled back to our core identity because it’s the path of least resistance for our souls — an energy force that wants nothing more than for us to honor and accept who we are and discover what we’re meant to do in the world. Jennifer Elisabeth
Your passions don’t have to connect to one another and no one needs to sign off on them. Passion isn’t logical… it’s only the fuel which keeps our souls alive. Let it be that simple. Jennifer Elisabeth
Despite how lonely or broken down you might feel, we need you with us helping to make the world better, kinder and safer, especially for the little girls coming up. Jennifer Elisabeth
How you spend your time when you are not working or studying says everything about who you are and what is motivating your life. Jennifer Elisabeth
You battled monsters. You sweat and cried your way to this one prolific moment where you finally realize that those dark days and sleepless nights were pre-requisites to your becoming. Jennifer Elisabeth
I never want a girl to lose all hope that her life can’t completely turn around, even if she feels that she is at the edge, standing on one foot, and ready to say goodbye. Jennifer Elisabeth
We live in a world where there is such a clear definition of what a girl should be that it takes almost no effort at all to completely hate ourselves. Jennifer Elisabeth
Remember, nothing happens before it’s supposed to, so trust that, as you are striving for authenticity and personal excellence, the recognition of your life’s purpose is nearing closer. Jennifer Elisabeth
I think it all basically breaks down to something like this: You have to look and feel great first. If you eat well, exercise and get enough sleep, you will have ample energy and the proper self-confidence to create and produce beyond your wildest dreams! Looking great and radiating positive energy, while presenting your highest quality work, is what will always make you the most valuable and only logical choice in whatever it is that you reach for. Jennifer Elisabeth
Although many things may still need to happen before you identify what your exact work will be, I know that every single person whom you’re meeting and every experience that you’re having is necessary to you discovering your purpose. They are points on a map leading you to the moment where a match will finally be lit and you will be able to see through the darkness. Jennifer Elisabeth
Recognize that you have been chosen to be alive, right now, at this exact moment in time and know that none of that is random. There is something about you, your past or your future that is required at this exact moment in history. We need to know who you are and what you have been through. Jennifer Elisabeth
Finding yourself and creating a life that feels authentic and safe is the hardest, most important work that we will ever do and for girls, especially young girls, there is no one more equipped to do this work. Jennifer Elisabeth
The only way that you can identify and then fulfill your life’s purpose is for you to love yourself, charge up your life and serve the world. Jennifer Elisabeth
As girls, we will do anything for the person whom we love. We will scale buildings in the rain or run through fire if it means saving our love’s life. There is absolutely nothing more life altering that the fire burning inside of our souls for the one we want most… Jennifer Elisabeth
For most of us free-thinking, wild hearts, our relationship with God or the Universe will go through peaks and valleys — transforming into new concepts and beliefs, completely disappearing, at times, only then to instantly explode back into existence by something even as small as a sunset! Jennifer Elisabeth
In the old days, when travelers would get lost, they would follow the stars and I love that idea. I wish that I could rely on something as simple and magnificent as a star for all of my aching questions. Jennifer Elisabeth
I ruin everything. I think that a bullet must have passed through my heart when I was very young, causing me to bleed out slowly, over things and people and every white surface that I’d ever come across. Jennifer Elisabeth
I don’t ever want to hurt anyone, but I really wish there was something like a reset button on my life. Jennifer Elisabeth
He could pour himself into my little paper cup heart and my emptiness would finally have a meaning. Jennifer Elisabeth
It feels like the world is folding up around me, like origami paper, and I’m trapped inside of its breathless center. Jennifer Elisabeth
I feel like a paper cut just waiting to bleed. Jennifer Elisabeth
I wish on one of the stars for divine orchestration and save the rest of them for all of the other girls in the world who will feel like I do tonight. Jennifer Elisabeth
Standing naked on the beach with all of my secrets between my legs, I look out into the water and up deep into the stars. I beg the sparkling lanterns of light to cure me of myself… Jennifer Elisabeth
Each time that I have felt like I might finally be figuring some things out, life has decided to change the rules and I’ve had to start all over again. Jennifer Elisabeth