Quotes From "Blue Jelly: Love Lost & The Lessons Of Canning" By Debby Bull

You can die trying to get along with a disagreeable man, ” she said, and I put a star beside it when I wrote it down and then taped it to the rear-view mirror for the rest of the drive. She hadn’t said “abusive, ” I noticed; she had said that just disagreeable could kill you. Debby Bull
Canning is a whole world of a thing to do. It requires that you get out of your head. It's a Zen thing. You cannot be wondering about your inadequacies and how they drove Bob off and be making jelly. You'll wind up with big, cylindrical jujubes. Debby Bull
It was obvious that the woman was trying to turn over a new leaf, so we bought all her bowls. I got a gigantic stoneware one with a flat bottom, like you’d use if you were making bread for the whole army, and I knew I would have to change my whole life to have a use for this bowl. Debby Bull
Your like Martha Stewart on crack, ” my neighbor shouted as I stuck another cardinal in with the daisies. Debby Bull