Quotes From "Beyond Chivalry" By Zechariah Barrett

Leor smiled. “Merci, Monsieur Rusé.” “De rien.” Jean replied, and then he checked his watch. “Our flight will be leaving soon. Are you ready for that adventure? Can you brave the terrors of second class?” Leor laughed. “It depends if I get the window seat. Zechariah Barrett
Once outside, the detectives advanced up an escalator and to a floor with two elevators. One was labeled for the staff, and the other for guests. In the corner was a plain grey door which led up a staircase.“ Monsieur Leor…” Jean began. “Are you up for a challenge?”“ You want to run up the staircase.” Leor concluded, plainly. “Like schoolboys?”“ Ouais, monsieur, ” Jean replied, with a silly grin. “You can consider it your preliminary training, if that helps your dignity. Zechariah Barrett