Quotes From "Bending The Universe" By Justin Wetch

I look up upon a sparsely starred abyss Having wandered to this street corner In the middle of the night Watching the cars and people go by Wondering If this deep, black nothingness Is the sum total of being human. Justin Wetch
Under a night’s sky Filled with a hundred billion stars Is it so crazy to believe Our paths were destined to cross? Justin Wetch
What a cruel irony it is, that we get to choose our thoughts but not our feelings. Justin Wetch
You are my drug of choice I know you’re no good for me And though I swear my lips Will never touch you again Here we are, here we are. Justin Wetch
Call me obsessed, color me consumed I’ve always been the type to notice The smell of a rose in bloom, But let me confess, this is new You’ve stopped my heart, let it resume And I, to finish, must tell it true I’m high on your perfume. Justin Wetch
Sometimes it feels like even if Every inch of my skin was touching yours I still wouldn’t be close enough to you. Justin Wetch
Love gives the best of highs But also the worst of hangovers. Justin Wetch
As joy dwindles with the years I wistfully recall When the christmas tree Looked ten feet tall And the presents under it Seemed endless And more Than mere wrapping paper. Justin Wetch
Pressure knocks at my door A clock ticks and demands its due The lava burns from the floor But not in a game like it used to. So little time to figure it all out So many distractions to prevent success I’m in a dark forest with no path or route But this internal fire knows no rest. Justin Wetch
Real life is just another stage. Just another stage where I have to look and act Like I have everything put together;everything neat, perfect, and in order, when in reality I’m slowly dying, Slowly decaying, screaming and clawing, at this little box I’ve been put into,   Trying desperately to escape. Justin Wetch
Sleepless nights Spent looking at the ceiling Searching in those etched patterns For some sort of adhesive To glue together the broken pieces Of a soul crushed By the weight of the fact that Life is profoundly sad. Justin Wetch
Fate is the cruelest of masters, taking Life when it pleases or at random, handing Rigged decks to whom it pleases, cheating All alike and none the wiser, taking Everything away from those with nothing. Justin Wetch
I wish I could see butterflies burst from cocoons Without tempering my amazement Knowing all beauty eventually dies. Justin Wetch
I don’t want safety or guarantees– I want a life worth living. I want to jump off a skyscraper And fashion a parachute on the way down Out of my fears and trepidations Because sometimes survival Isn’t the most important thing And surviving Isn’t the same as living. Justin Wetch
As artists, we create the beauty We are too afraid to live out And search, but always fall just shy Of finding what life is about. Justin Wetch
Question marks are met with periods By people full of arrogance They have every answer, nothing mysterious And yet they have no evidence. Justin Wetch
I'd be lying if I said I didn't want you I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish you were mine The truth is, you stole my heart from afar The truth is, you still have it.  Justin Wetch
Time machine to the past Step back a few years Old feelings, like LazarusSuddenly reappear. It's your song on the radio And it's your hand in mine As this wave crashes over me Our stars again come unaligned. Justin Wetch
Every breath we take from the air Takes oxygen from an insect’s lungs mid-prayer And every exhalation does loudly declare That in the currency of life, we’re millionaires. A butterfly flapped it’s wings and Rome fell A passerby’s whistle cracked the liberty bell And I dare urge the daring not to yell Lest we so bid a skyscraper a rough farewell. A snake’s tongue slithered and man did sin Let me tell you how the waves from a shark’s fin Did set the tides on D-Day and let the allies win; Chance and destiny are identical twins. A word was spoken and the earth created Another phrase and the future was dictated And so every action must be carefully weighted We just never know how things are interrelated. . Justin Wetch
We talk so much yet we have nothing to say. Justin Wetch