Quotes From "Be First: Achieve Every Dream" By Stephen Richards

With every challenge you face, there is an opportunity hidden...
With every challenge you face, there is an opportunity hidden that will lead you towards the path of wealth and abundance. Stephen Richards
Just like a sailor who knows before reaching land that it is nearing, life too gives certain signals which indicate how closer you are to manifesting. Stephen Richards
When you believe in yourself sufficiently and are confident that everything that you desire is inside you then you will possess the ability to produce all that you wish for. Stephen Richards
Having faith makes you vibrate at a frequency level that is identical to that of the universe, providing you a result that you would not have arrived at before. Stephen Richards
The purpose of quantum linguistics is to survey the spirit of linguistics and finding solutions to the common barrier problems faced by means of deliberate use of language. Stephen Richards
If you start identifying your inner self with the spirit of pure potentiality then you are aligning with the power that helps in the manifestation of all energy in the form of matter. Stephen Richards
Diamonds do not burst out from the mines into your hands. The universe, instead, will direct the men to discover the mines and find the diamonds for you. Stephen Richards
So, and it is common sense, be in the moment to make things happen in that moment. Stephen Richards
Concurrent time is a state of time where all the happenings occur at the same time. The creations of the present are influenced by both the past and the future actions and all the three interact where even a future event can change what can happen in the present. Stephen Richards
The universal mind acts as an advisor or guide. When you abide by its advice then you will get another opportunity to alter your destiny. Stephen Richards
If you are faced with a lost opportunity, think of the shifting reality and be ready to catch it when it comes your way. This is the way reality functions. Stephen Richards
The word ‘believe’ is an important factor in you securing your success. Stephen Richards
Your life depends entirely on your reactions to the accountability that you are faced with. Stephen Richards
To be a power to reckon with you need to believe in yourself and your dreams. Stephen Richards
If you go through the biography of any famous personality you idolize you are sure to see the how the words ‘I can’ and ‘I believe’ played a very vital role in their fame. Stephen Richards
Pure potentiality is a phrase that denotes that pure consciousness is the true essence that lies in us. Stephen Richards
The subconscious mind is nothing but an energy field or mental level that resonates in line with the universal subjectivity. Stephen Richards
When you use positive words it naturally has a very dynamic effect on the energy present around you. Stephen Richards
If you build your faith with the limitations as the foundation, you tend to obstruct the realization of your goals easily. Stephen Richards
Your level of your concentration decides the extent of the realization of your dreams. Stephen Richards
Whenever you enjoy the bounties of nature like the sunrise or a blooming flower you are connecting yourself with the pure potentiality. Stephen Richards
Try to study yourself and what is inside you, as the entire world lies in you. Stephen Richards
Ruling or judging others is considered to be a sentiment that resonates in very low frequencies. Stephen Richards
You will find your horizons expanding and your thought processes becoming more creative. That is true mind power! Stephen Richards
Positive thoughts and words will create a force inside you that communicates with the outside world and brings about profusion in all things around you. Stephen Richards
If you want to surpass the stages of doubt and secure better communication between your inner and outer body it is wise to surpass the challenge of the words ‘if only’. Stephen Richards
Over the years you have been subjected to a great deal of mind propaganda which has resulted in you reaching the ceiling of maximum potential by virtue of your current limited mindset. Stephen Richards
Turning images from within our minds into reality is a gift we are all born with. Stephen Richards
Overriding the old information in your mind with new information is easy, but to actually go further than just putting a veneer over your old mindset is the way forward. Stephen Richards