Quotes From "Barkskins" By Annie Proulx

All must pay the debt of nature. Annie Proulx
The thing American people fear about corporations is that they might achieve too much power. We have an antipathy to power even as we admire it. Annie Proulx
Inside Duquet something like a tightly closed pine cone licked by fire opened abruptly and he exploded with incensed and uncontrollable fury, a life’s pent-up rage. ‘No one helped me, ’ he shrieked, ‘I did everything myself. I endured. I contended with powerful men. I suffered in the wilderness. I accepted the risk I might die. No one helped me! ’ The boy’s gaze shifted, the fever-boiled eyes following Duquet’s rising arm closing only when the tomahawk split his brain. . Annie Proulx
In every life there are events that reshape one's sense of existence. Afterward, all is different and the past is dimmed. Annie Proulx