Quotes From "Aquarium" By David Vann

Even now, I still believe metamorphosis is the greatest beauty.
Even now, I still believe metamorphosis is the greatest beauty. David Vann
As if each of us might somehow have a blueprint. As if somewhere there's the shape of my life, and I had the chance to choose a few variations, but not far from the pattern. David Vann
A change in those moments, some switch turned off forever, the end of trust or safety or love, and how do we ever find the switch again? David Vann
Maybe this is as near as we can come to forgiveness. Not the past wiped away, nothing undone, but some willingness in the present, some recognition and embrace and slowing down. David Vann
I've thought of it ever since, the idea that we don't stray far, that what feels like discovery is only the revealing of what was hidden but there, waiting. I remember because I think this might be a path to forgiveness, to realize that no matter how violent, how frightening my mother was, it was not random but at least partly inescapable, that who she was had been set in motion long before and she had to suffer that person as much as I did. David Vann
Each one a little bit different but following some blueprint somewhere. As if each of us might have a blueprint. As if somewhere there's the shape of my life, and I had the chance to choose a few variations, but not far from the pattern. David Vann
The worst part of childhood is not knowing that bad things pass, that time passes. A terrible moment in childhood hovers with s kind of eternity, unbearable. David Vann
We live through evolution ourselves, each of us, progressing through different apprehensions of the world, at each age forgetting the last age, every previous mind erased. We no longer see the same world at all. David Vann
This is what I’ve always loved about a city, all the worlds hidden away inside, largest of aquariums. David Vann