Quotes From "Anything But Sweet" By Candis Terry

A rumble gurgled through the space between them." Was that you?" She looked down. "Was that me?"" That noise. It sounded like a growl." Well according to you, I am a ferocious car burglar. Candis Terry
Her heart sprang up into her throat. Watching that shadow play was like paying a quarter for a peep show. Only she got it for free. He thinks I'm pretty. Butterflies did a dance around her heart before she could swat them away. Behind the shade. his shadow unbuttoned those soft, worn, butt-hugging jeans and slid them down his lean hips. Charli sucked in a big gulp of air, then headed back to the veranda and her glass of wine. With all the estrogen doing a conga line through her blood, she needed a drink. Well, she really needed something else. But she'd settle for a drink. Candis Terry
Kiss me again, Cowboy Candis Terry
The horse gave his arm a nudge when he reached to remove the headstall. With his large hand, he gave the animal an affectionate stroke on the neck that gave Charli a tug way deep down in her lemon yellow panties. Candis Terry