Quotes From "American Colossus: The Triumph Of Capitalism 18651900" By H.W. Brands

He (the immigrant father) would walk by proxy in the...
He (the immigrant father) would walk by proxy in the Elysian fields of liberal learning. H.W. Brands
The nature of revolutions is to sweep the reluctant along. H.W. Brands
A live-in domestic worker: "You are never sure that your soul is your own except when you are out of the house. H.W. Brands
A young mark twain on the make: "I can't turn in inkstand into Aladdin's lamp. H.W. Brands
This senate was a place where good Representatives went when they died. Thomas Reed H.W. Brands
The horizons of man are incomparably narrower than that of the land on which he toils. Editor of the Nebraska journal H.W. Brands
I believe the road to preeminent success in any line is to make yourself master IN THAT LINE. I have no faith in the policy of scattering one's resources. Andrew Carnegie H.W. Brands
Both sides had more confidence in their opponents' weaknesses than their own strength. H.W. Brands
Once information slipped the bonds of gravity and friction, it tended to gather where it was most valuable. H.W. Brands
Cities force growth and make men talkative and entertaining, but they make them artificial. Ralph Waldo Emerson H.W. Brands
It may be that the voice of the people is the voice of God 51 times out of 100. But the remaining 49 times, it is the voice of the devil, or worse, the voice of a fool. Theodore Roosevelt H.W. Brands
The first 10 days of a cattle drive were the most critical, as a stampede was most likely when the cattle were closest to their habitual home. H.W. Brands
One with God is always a majority. But many have been burned at the stake while the boats were being counted. Thomas Reed H.W. Brands
Andrew Carnegie was an inventor only in the sense that he adopted and adapted the discoveries of others. H.W. Brands
Teain had no difficulty generating the indignation of a satirist. He lack the patience of a reformer. H.W. Brands
In the immediate aftermath of the great Chicago fire, a business proprietor erected a shack in front of his burned-out business. On a sign, he placed his name and the tagline that everything was gone but wife, children, and energy. H.W. Brands
Theodore Roosevelt came to Dekota to experience the dying of one age with the slaying of a rare buffalo and the dawning of the West's industrial age. H.W. Brands
Chinese immigrant: "Americans make a mere practice of loving justice. H.W. Brands
J.P. Morgan learned to fish in troubled waters. H.W. Brands
America's mission is to join the most ancient civilizations with the most modern. John Augustus Roeblin H.W. Brands
Western farmers were individualists cheifly in their dreams. H.W. Brands
John D Rockefeller read his Bible religiously, but kept his ledger in a different drawer. H.W. Brands
When speculators have once entered Wall Street, they never leave it except in a pine box or a rosewood case, according to circumstances. H.W. Brands
It's philanthropy, but it's good politics, too. Mighty good politics. The poor are some of the most grateful people in the world. George Washington Plunkett. H.W. Brands
William "Boss" Tweed was in such thorough control in New York that he made money off of the report the committee printed after investigating him. H.W. Brands
Amid the war the capitalists were asserting national necessity. H.W. Brands
Grant made the perfect candidate, a war hero with indistinct views on most political issues. H.W. Brands