Quotes From "Alpha Wolf Need Not Apply" By Terry Spear

As soon as she was ready for work, she called out to Eric's closed door. "Anything in particular you want for breakfast?" " Yeah, " he said, heading for the door. "But I don't think it's on the menu. Terry Spear
They toasted each other, then after she sipped hers, she ate some of the bisque - creamy, a little buttery, with lots of big chunks of lobster and a hint of garlic. It was so good that she asked him for the recipe. He gave it to her and added, " But I'll fix it for you anytime. Terry Spear
His mouth was on hers, the champagne flavoring his tongue and lips, his sexy scent reaching her over the warm, bubbling water. She stroked his arms, loving the feel of his mouth against hers, hot and hungry. Just like hers was, unable to get enough, not wanting to give this up, wanting to kiss him until the sun rose in the morning. Terry Spear