Quotes From "All The Rebel Women: The Rise Of The Fourth Wave Of Feminism" By Kira Cochrane

It’s no surprise that a generation of women who were brought up being told that they were equal to men, that sexism, and therefore feminism, was dead, are starting to see through this. And while they’re pissed off, they’re also positive, bubbling with hope. One obvious outcome of being brought up to believe you’re equal is that you’re both very angry when you encounter misogyny, but also confident in your ability to tackle it. Kira Cochrane
The academic and writer Sara Ahmed has written brilliantly about the idea of the feminist killjoy, and why it should be embraced — because feminism isn’t about making everyone around the table feel comfortable. It’s about being disruptive, challenging, and changing the terms of the debate, so that, over time, almost certainly with discomfort and backlash, everyone becomes freer. Kira Cochrane