Quotes From "All That Glitters" By Vicky Pattison

It had been a wake-up call and now all she wanted was to keep her dad in sight and make sure he didn't eat too many Mars Bars or drink too much beer. Vicky Pattison
It wasn't normal, it was quite far from normal, but they were hers and she loved everything about them. Vicky Pattison
The man breathed deeply with his eyes shut and his speech trailed off. Nick approached the patient with the syringe in hand, nodding. He turned the machine up now, almost all the way, and then proceeded with the injection." I think you're about ready. Jackie Sonnenberg
He sidestepped down the alley and into another one connected to a small garage, where a raccoon with matching black eyes just like his own halted in mid-step next to a trash can. They stared at each other, not moving or making a sound.' There there, friend. I am not here to interrupt your nightly activity just as you are not here to interrupt mine.' They continued their separate ways, who would be caught and who would not remained a mystery. Jackie Sonnenberg
This was an urban legend that didn't make it on to Snopes.com Jackie Sonnenberg
When had she moved so close? Her brain screamed at her to back away. She would regret this. She already regretted this. Laura Oliva
The way he smiled with just one corner of his mouth said he’d show her a good time if she let him. Laura Oliva
So many stars in the sky, each unique and full of destiny. I wanted more than anything to be part of those stars. I never realized becoming one would destroy me. Tracy Krimmer
Even though on the outside we glittered like gold, inside we were almost as black as coal. Sometimes the glitter people saw was only the shattered pieces reflecting among the broken glass. Tracy Krimmer