Quotes From "Aftermath" By JennaLynne Duncan

She was evil. Couldn't he, who killed demons with his own hands, realize that? And now I had to run for Mardi Gras Queen because of him. Or her. I didn't know whose fault it was but there was no way I could back down now. JennaLynne Duncan
Some stories won't have a happy ending, but there's always...
Some stories won't have a happy ending, but there's always hope that the next one will. Hope is everything. Even when there's nothing else. Especially when there's nothing else. Clara Kensie
Dad thinks I'm ready to fly around the country as...
Dad thinks I'm ready to fly around the country as the Ambassador of Hope, but Mom thinks I'm a frail little bird with broken wings. Clara Kensie
Hope is made of air, and wishes. An empty box wrapped in shiny paper. And now Dad wants me to be the ambassador of hope for his foundation. How can I be the ambassador of hope, when hope doesn't change anything? When unrealized hopes only bring pain and despair? Clara Kensie
Hope is made of air, and wishes. An empty box...
Hope is made of air, and wishes. An empty box wrapped in shiny paper. Clara Kensie
My father is using me as a message of hope....
My father is using me as a message of hope. My sister is using me as a message of fear. I don't want to be used by anybody. Clara Kensie
My friend Bailey is looking at me with tears in her eyes and a smile of pure joy. She sees me, the real me, not the broken little bird that my mother sees, or the Ambassador of Hope that my father sees, or the girl who was stupid enough to walk off with a stranger and ruin everyone's lives that my sister sees. Bailey sees me as I want to be: a normal, non-newsworthy, non-broken, non-victimized sixteen-year-old girl. Clara Kensie
My Keeper's house. Right there. Brown shingles, dark red shutters, yellow-and-black police tape wrapped around the massive tree trunks. The attic window looks out over the yard and the world narrows until that attic window is the only thing I can see. Clara Kensie
So many cameras are on me. This press conference is going to be on every news channel and posted on the internet. Thousands, maybe millions of people will see me. And they will all be thinking: Victim. Victim. Victim. Clara Kensie
He is not the same person as when wemet, but...
He is not the same person as when wemet, but .. . neither am I. Time has refined us, but instead of pushing us apart, we’re closer than ever. Ann Aguirre
He doesn't trust people because he knows they are all the same. Everyone cares about their own survival and nothing else, just like him. Since he is more than willing to kill for it, so are they. After all, he has endured through all these years, leading him to be alone, it was the only conclusion that made sense. Joe Reyes
When the bombs fell, it wasn't a war; it was...
When the bombs fell, it wasn't a war; it was an obliteration. No one had any idea who shot first or why. Joe Reyes
.. . and I don’t expect him to suborn his...
.. . and I don’t expect him to suborn his life into mine any more than I would change my dreams for him. We’re not one soul, one being, however much we love each other. Ann Aguirre
For I need this scar over my heart to remind...
For I need this scar over my heart to remind me. Crazy as it sounds, if I can bear the wound on my body, it lessens what I must carry on my soul. How he knew that about me, I cannot fathom. Ann Aguirre
They are as smart as they are ruthless. That's why they've been around for all five years. Joe Reyes
We stand a professional distance apart, as if I can’t feel his pain screaming in my head. Mine amplifies his; they share a joint sound–that of glass breaking–until they swell to a crescendo that deafens. Ann Aguirre
More than most, I know the pain of surviving. Ann Aguirre
What you said about the sweetest pain? That fits us. Ann Aguirre
So I make no effort to hide my pain. I don’t ever put it all on display like this–but for today and all the rest of the days of the trial, I must. My every flinch, every flicker of pain, will bemagnified a hundred times over, then dissected by the pundits and talking heads. But I’m told it’s necessary; the world needs to see me vulnerable and wounded. I cannot appear not to care or to lack remorse, but that removes a crucial component of my self- defense mechanism and leaves me bleeding for all the world to see. I suppose that’s rather the point. Ann Aguirre
Do it double, because some can't do it at all. Clara Kensie
Something contracts in my chest. The air shifts, grows heavy and dense as mud. Alexa twists her hair around her finger and whispers, "Didn't you even try to escape, Charlotte? Clara Kensie
I say to my sister, "I thought you were doing the things in our Dream Book. I was sure of it." "Why would I do that stuff without you?" "Because you could."" Well, you were wrong. Clara Kensie
Each second of my four years, two months, and seven days in the attic dragged on forever, and nothing ever changed. But outside the attic, everything changed, and so violently fast. Destruction and devastation for all of us, whether we were in the attic or out. Clara Kensie
The only thing that gave me comfort in the attic was thinking about my family. Now I'm home, but it's not the home I imagined. Not the family I imagined. I'd convinced myself that they'd continued on with their happy, carefree lives without me, that they were doing it double, because I couldn't do it at all. I was wrong. Clara Kensie
My sister has never not told me something before. We used to share every secret, every thought. While I was in the attic, it felt like we were forever far away. Now I'm with her again. We're so close that we're touching, but there's still a distance between us. Clara Kensie
Alexa's face whitens. The coil of hair loosens itself from her finger. "You did it for me. You never fought back. Because you thought you were keeping me safe." I pull up my gaze to meet hers. "Yeah.""I--" It's a strangled, high-pitched sound, laced with shock and grief. Then she bites her lips shut. Her chin trembles, just once, before she turns away. Clara Kensie
My Keeper took everything from me: my home, my family, my voice. He made me powerless. But I'm home now. It may be split in two, but I have it back. My family may be broken, but I have it back. I have my voice back. I am not powerless anymore. Clara Kensie
Sure, you can break a man. Bend his will, even, but be careful with the ones that break easily. Those are the ones you have to keep a close eye on. Those are the ones that play possum and hide in the shadows. Just waiting for their time to strike! That's when you're most vulnerable. When you're surrounded by friends. Joe Reyes
It was the first and only fight of his childhood, but it had taught him a valuable lesson about human nature, how people were just another species of animal, and like any animal, from the biggest predators, to the smallest scavengers, most human beings could only be pushed so far before they lashed out. D.J. Molles
What I always hate is when people call our movement a 'revolution'. For this to be a revolution, we would have to be opposing a standing government. Look around; there is no standing government. Joe Reyes
For love to flourish there has to be trust. Promises don’t matter as much aspersonal choice. Ann Aguirre
Survival feels like cowardice. Ann Aguirre
The lucky ones died in the blasts. They were spared the fate of starvation, cannibalism, rape and slaughter. Where a man could be killed over half-eaten can of corn. Joe Reyes
In this world, you have to die to find peace. D.J. Molles
This guilt is a joke, and it’s exhausting to watch you martyr yourself. Ann Aguirre
No, I just mean … I’m not into … this.”“ This?” Her scowl deepens and her teeth bare. “Alie Chuck Wendig