Quotes From "After Life" By Daniel Ionson

How does evil arise? Where does it come from? We think of malevolent men-– murderers, rapists, tyrants–and somehow believe they are different creatures from us. They are not. All evil men were once innocent babes, once lovable children. Men make choices, some consistently bad. But those who choose the worst kinds of evil were typically guided into it. Daniel Ionson
Hell, he now understood, went beyond simple torture. Hell inflicted agony with intermittent reprieves to maintain the hope of peace. Hell was not endless dark, but rare rays of sunlight to keep one’s eyes longing for their bright beauty. Hell forced hours of suffocation beneath the freezing water with times of release to keep one accustomed to the joy of breath, to let needful expectation be repeatedly stabbed by deprivation. . Daniel Ionson
I knew when I got into self-publishing I would have to compete with other authors' words. I did not, however, know that I was going to have to compete with so many sculpted abs! Matthew Culberson
The truth in death can only be found in the dying itself. Matthew Culberson
There are moments in life. And, yes, still moments in death. Matthew Culberson