Quotes From "Affirmations For Healing Mind Body & Spirit" By Susan Barbara Apollon

Your prayers for others and the universe make a difference! Susan Barbara Apollon
Begin your day, upon awakening, with prayers of gratitude, requests and affirmations that they are being answered–always ending with more gratitude. Susan Barbara Apollon
Prayers can be whatever you wish them to be. They can be short or long requests, expressions of gratitude and affirmations that your requests are being honored. Susan Barbara Apollon
One of the highest emotions is that of Gratitude… Wherever you are, offer the expression of your awareness of your blessings and how grateful you are for them. Susan Barbara Apollon
Prayer is energy. Try to come from a higher, lighter vibration of gratitude and expectation, in place of worry and fear. Susan Barbara Apollon
Healing is about making the choice to focus your thoughts on what feels energetically better at the level of your heart. Susan Barbara Apollon
Your heart, mind and body–and all your sixty trillion cells–work as a team. When you carefully choose your thoughts and mental images, and focus on what feels comfortable and good for your heart, you shift to a higher level of vibration, which, in turn, bolsters your immune system. Susan Barbara Apollon
Affirmations are powerful and wonderful thoughts that serve you, your body, your immune system, your mind, and your spirit. Susan Barbara Apollon
Begin your day with gratitude and end your day with gratitude. A heart filled with loving expressions of thanks is a beautiful offering to the universe. Susan Barbara Apollon