Quotes From "Academs Fury" By Jim Butcher

Isana felt her throat tighten.
Isana felt her throat tighten. "We failed." Serai lifted her chin and patted Isana's arm firmly." We have not yet succeeded. There is a difference. Jim Butcher
Lady Placida smiled. “History seldom takes note of serendipity when it records events. And from what I have heard, I suspect an argument could be made that you very much did earn the title.”“ Many women have earned titles, Your Grace. It doesn't seem to have been a factor in whether or not they actually received them.” Lady Placida laughed. “True enough. But perhaps that is beginning to change.” She offered her hands. “It is a distinct pleasure to meet you, Steadholder. . Jim Butcher
Kitai blinked slowly. "Why would you use the same word for these things? That is ridiculous."" We have a lot of words like that, " Tavi said. "They can mean more than one thing."" That is stupid, " Kitai said. "It is difficult enough to communicate without making it more complicated with words that mean more than one thing. Jim Butcher
Isana laughed. "And you, lady? Are you a woman of conscience or of ambition?" The lady smiled. "That's a question rarely asked here at court."" And why is that?"" Because a woman of conscience would tell you that she is a person of conscience. A woman of ambition would tell you that she is a person of conscience–only much more convincingly. Jim Butcher
..This is a place of learning where very few learn anything of value. That you, who have courage and intelligence, are held in contempt by most of your kind here because you have no sorcery.. I have seen you protect others, though they consider you to be weaker than they. I have seen a very few decent people, like the boy we took from the tower. I have seen women trade pleasure for coin to feed their children, and others do the same so that they could ignore their children while making themselves foolish with wines and powders. I have seen men who labor as long as the sun is up go home to wives who hold them in contempt for never being there. I have seen men beat and use those whom they should protect, even their own children. I have seen your kind place others of their own in slavery. I have seen them fighting to be free of the same. I have seen men of the law betray it, men who hate the law be kind. I have seen gentle defenders, sadistic healers, creators of beauty scorned while craftsmen of destruction are worshiped. Your Kind, Aleran, are the most vicious and gentle, most savage and noble, most treacherous and loyal, most terrifying and fascinating creatures I have ever seen. Jim Butcher