Quotes From "A Year Of Living Prayerfully: How A Curious Traveler Met The Pope Walked On Coals Danced With Rabbis..." By Jared Brock

There is a season for everything under the sun–even when...
There is a season for everything under the sun–even when we can’t see the sun. Jared Brock
Inner stillness is the key to outer strength. Jared Brock
Strength is gathered on the journey, not granted at the outset. Jared Brock
What good is faith if it causes pain for another? What good is religion if it does no good? What good is any belief that leads to hate? Jared Brock
Shalom is the medicine I’d prescribe for Jerusalem–a deep, God-breathed indwelling of peace and prosperity and blessing. An end to the unrest and a sense of wholeness is what the Holy City needs. It’s what the Middle East needs. It’s what I need. Jared Brock
Prayer is meant to happen everywhere. After all, Daniel prayed in the lion’s den. Jonah prayed in a fish’s stomach. Elijah prayed in the desert. And Jesus prayed on the cross. Jared Brock
Somewhere, somehow, at some unknown intersection between prayer and work, God indwells our humble offering– God indwells us–and turns human actions into spiritual awakenings. Jared Brock
Prayer is the main dish. Everything else is gravy. Jared Brock
You have to be near Him to hear Him. Jared Brock
It’s easier to be close to God during prayer time when you’re close to God all the time. Jared Brock
There comes a point where you need to lose your religion in order to restore your relationship. Jared Brock
See every distraction as a clarion call back to prayer. Jared Brock
Prayer is about steeping in the Spirit of a God so loving that He totally changes you. Jared Brock
Prayer changes us because that’s what relationships do. Jared Brock
Changed people change nations. Jared Brock
Nowadays when we bow our heads before meals, we no longer say grace–we receive it. Jared Brock
Prayer is simply a constant communion with Christ. Jared Brock
There’s nothing like breaking the law to hear from the Lord. Jared Brock
Work is easy when it’s full of meaning and shared with others. Jared Brock
Man’s desire is to know the mind of God. Jared Brock
God is the inevitability of humanity’s search for true meaning. Jared Brock
Rest in the knowledge that God is both abundantly gracious and ridiculously generous. Jared Brock
God has written us a book, and now we have the opportunity to respond with our words and actions. Jared Brock
What are the chances that of all 1.59629 quadrillion square feet of physical land on planet Earth, three major world religions are literally fighting over one single rock? Jared Brock
Dawn appears when it appears. Jared Brock
John Wesley’s own grave holds the bones of many other people, including at least five ministers. One can only imagine the bickering. Jared Brock
You know it’s a real salvation when Baptists use cold water. Jared Brock
I believe that people are holy because they’re made in the image of God, and a place can be holy when God is present–but no place is so holy that it’s worth shedding the blood of those who bear the image of God. Jared Brock
Left to our own devices, we will make God in our own image. Jared Brock
Only God gets the glory when revival comes to town. Jared Brock
The Kingdom of Heaven wants to rest in our hearts. Jared Brock
What if making peace with our warring hearts–peace within–is the first step to world peace? Jared Brock
As one would expect, the Pope’s schedule is quite disciplined–he wakes up at four o’clock each morning and runs on the treadmill for an hour. I’m totally kidding. Nobody’s knees have time for that. Jared Brock
The battle belongs to the Lord, and we already know that He wins the war. Jared Brock