Quotes From "A Redrose Chain" By Seanan McGuire

Sometimes, when it seems like the pain is never going to end, I wish I’d gotten a different suite of magical talents from my mother. Like the power to avoid situations that end with me willingly jamming my arm into a door made entirely from animate, apparently angry rose briars. Seanan McGuire
Then he looked back to me, and smiled. It was a terrible expression, filled with edges, and with knives. Seanan McGuire
I just feel like we’re starting to interfere on a level that’s sort of .. . extreme.” “But that’s what heroes do. Seanan McGuire
I just wasn’t sure it was a good idea to approach heroing the way I’d always approached detecting. Can you really shake the world until justice falls out? Seanan McGuire
Just thinking about how long it’s been since I’ve managed to wind up covered in blood, ” I said. “It’s like a new trend. A blood-free trend. Seanan McGuire
Even when she slept, she tossed and turned and squirmed, like she was secretly a hurricane forced into a girl-body and told to exist as best she could among people who had no idea what it meant to secretly be a weather pattern. Seanan McGuire