Quotes From "A Punctual Paymaster" By Dan Groat

If the forest has a day of fire and the...
If the forest has a day of fire and the heat of the flames does not consume a special tree, it will still be changed; charred, but still standing. Dan Groat
You can be spiritual all by yourself. Everybody has a...
You can be spiritual all by yourself. Everybody has a soul. But to be religious, it seems like you need other people, and then sometimes it becomes more about the people than the soul. Dan Groat
Porches could be cleaned with a broom in a few...
Porches could be cleaned with a broom in a few minutes, but the soul could not be swept. It had to be shaken. And shaking the loess from a soul took a lifetime and more strength than most people had. Dan Groat
Peace, a commodity purchased with friendship and safety and anything comfortable and all things familiar; peace that was a pleasant melody playing through the moments of their day; a chord striking only the notes of security and agreement and understanding and order. Dan Groat
There are struggles you cannot win, but a man can meet his own heart if value is found in loss. Give yourself permission to cry. Dan Groat
Governments have absolutely no interest in self-reliance. It defeats one of the purposes for their existence. They encourage and thrive on dependency. The more of it they sell, the more necessary they are, and the more power and money they need. Dan Groat
The power of our country relies on the character that comes out of each of our homes. Dan Groat
The world has a way of dragging down our mood. Dan Groat
As you get older, you have to be willing and able to choose your own path for your life. And once you choose it, you walk it with strength. If you meet evil along the way, know that it is supposed to make you afraid, but it’s not supposed to stop you. You walk through the fear and you walk through the evil, and you don’t let either one become your master. Dan Groat
A government that thinks it can remedy personal failure is an intrusion in everybody’s life. No law is going to cure a human’s lack of physical or mental effectiveness. I’d rather see democracy promote strength than reward weakness. Dan Groat
I wonder if God hears prayers if the only time you make them is when you’re in trouble. Dan Groat
He knew that prejudice was a necessary part of the weak spirit of some men. Dan Groat
Time does not heal, but it can liberate. A race run well can never be lost. Dan Groat
Hope was always hard to find in the darkness. Dan Groat
Doing without will wear on you until temptation is stronger than character, sometimes. Dan Groat
There is no end to the hatred in men, but there is an end to the hatred in a man. If your hatred is just, and deeds will get you to the end of it, then go and do what must be done. Dan Groat
We learn to love when we’re young. If we learn hating better, it has to go somewhere. We can hate ourselves or we can hate somebody else. Most people would rather hate somebody else. Dan Groat
People don’t die so the universe can gauge your reaction. They die because life is finite. Dan Groat
Human thought and human caring go on in one brain and one heart at a time. Groups are necessary. Regulations are necessary. Government, I would hope limited government, is necessary. But it all starts with the individual. Everything that is accomplished starts with one person, even if the group steps in and helps; it’s still one brain and one heart at a time. Dan Groat
It made him wonder if all things taken from their home too soon lost some of their bloom. Dan Groat
They understood that brave men could be injured more by pity than by disease. Dan Groat
Winning and losing was suddenly elevated to be about things that had no score and no teams and no uniforms; just one player at a time dealing with his life, his own struggle, his own triumph and torment. Dan Groat
Those who show no loyalty give up the right to expect any. Dan Groat
In this country our principles should not be silent. Dan Groat
The weak thrive on indulgence. Dan Groat
He knew most men only heard what they wanted to hear, and he had no desire to be like most men. Dan Groat
There’s nothing wrong with fighting when you have no choice. As a matter of fact, it’s what you should do, but when you fight, fight to win. Dan Groat