Quotes From "A Mothers Book Of Traditional Househould Skills" By L.G. Abell

A more glorious victory cannot be gained over another than this, that when the injury began on his part, the kindness begins on ours. L.G. Abell
The deepest wretchedness often results from a perpetual continuation of petty trials. L.G. Abell
An ordinary intellect will, by industry and perseverance, often accomplish more than a much superior one, deficient in energy and the power of endurance. L.G. Abell
It is not because things are difficult that we dare not undertake them. Be then bold in spirit. Indulge no doubts, for doubts are traitors. L.G. Abell
You know not what you are capable of doing; you cannot sound the ocean of thought within you. You must labor, keep at it, and dig deep and long before you will begin to realize much. Be inactive - mourn because you were not created a giant in intellect, and you will die a fool. L.G. Abell