Quotes From "A Letter To My Congregation: An Evangelical Pastors Path To Embracing People Who Are Gay Lesbian And Transgender..." By Ken Wilson

In the deepest, most central place of our being, we don't want to cross God and our not wanting to is the beginning of wisdom. Ken Wilson
The conscience is a communal organ–a way of knowing that we do with others formed always in reference to others. Ken Wilson
I love you, but I hate your overeating" doesn’t help a marriage. It's not helpful because hatred is a powerful emotion (a posture, really) that is not easy to wield or maintain carefully. Hatred is more a bludgeon than a scalpel. Our ability to distinguish sin from sinner, especially in others, is so limited, so vulnerable to our own unexamined subjectivity. Ken Wilson
Virtually every church tradition, by theology, interpretive strategies, or pastoral practice, makes accommodations for divorced people who seek to remarry. These accommodations permit divorced people to enter unions that are outside the rule laid down in the Bible. But we can't have it both ways. We can't apply a strict "biblical marriage" rule to gay people and not apply it to those who are divorced and remarried. . Ken Wilson