Quotes From "A Hellacious Doctrine: A Defense Of The Biblical Doctrine Of Hell" By Evan Minton

While God desires salvation for everyone, God owes salvation to...
While God desires salvation for everyone, God owes salvation to no one. Evan Minton
God hates Hell. He hates the idea of people going there. He hates it so much that He was willing to take on human flesh and be tortured on a cross in order to absorb the penalty for sin on our behalf. God wants no one to perish but for all people to come to repentance, and He grieves when people don’t. Evan Minton
If Jesus was willing to be beaten and tortured to gain the salvation of mankind, the least we can do is tell them about it. Evan Minton
God cannot be indicted with injustice because someone rejected a gift they weren't entitled to in the first place. Evan Minton
Losing an unsaved loved one is hell, but that doesn’t mean that you need to go there yourself by turning away from God. Don’t make the same mistake he or she did. Evan Minton