Quotes From "50 Simple Questions For Every Christian" By Guy P. Harrison

How does the Christian who claims a weeping statue of Mary is a miracle explain the milk-drinking statues of the Hindu god Ganesha?How does the Christian who says a healing miracle proves the existence of Jesus feel about millions of claims of divine healings by Muslims and Hindus? Guy P. Harrison
Shouldn't it be atheists, believing they are not being watched, who commit virtually all the crimes and fill up all the prisons, while people who believe in an omnipresent god lead spotless lives out of either respect or fear? But this is far from the world we see. Guy P. Harrison
The key point some Christians miss is that scientific ignorance about the beginning of life, or any of life's processes, is not evidence of a god. Guy P. Harrison
Life *is* complex, and, in many ways, life *is* beyond our comprehension today... Sometimes important questions have maddeningly complex or inconvenient answers that neither satisfy nor soothe. Guy P. Harrison