Quotes From "1968: The Year That Rocked The World" By Mark Kurlansky

It is not an overstatement to say that the destiny of the entire human race depends on what is going on in America today. This is a staggering reality to the rest of the world; they must feel like passengers in a supersonic jetliner who are forced to watch helplessly while a passel of drunks, hypes, freaks, and madmen fight for the controls and the pilot's seat. — Eldridge Cleaver, Soul on Ice, 1968 . Mark Kurlansky
Gen. de Gaulle is only concerned about history, and no jury can dictate the judgment of history." Georges Pompidou Mark Kurlansky
Even creative nonviolence can go unnoticed unless participants are attacked. Mark Kurlansky
Don't you sense the enormity of your mistake — you invade a country without understanding its music. — Norman Mailer Mark Kurlansky
A modern revolutionary group, explained Abbie Hoffman, headed for the television station, not the factory. Mark Kurlansky
Children need fairy tales, but it is just as essential that they have parents who tell them about their own lives, so that they can establish a relationship to the past. Mark Kurlansky