In the heart of appeasement there's the fear of rejection, and in acts of fear there are mirrors of oppression.

Criss Jami
About This Quote

It’s a well-known fact that a lot of hate crime comes from the fear of rejection. When people can’t see themselves in others, they feel the need to make the world seem more dangerous and hostile. Appeasement is a way of trying to ease that fear by saying that you don’t really know what’s going on, you don’t want to offend anyone, and you would be okay if someone somehow offended you. The second part of this quote is also true, but it doesn’t point out the root cause of the fear. The real issue here is that a lot of hate crimes are a result of oppression.

For example, a woman might have been raped and feel so ashamed about it that she doesn’t want anyone to find out about it. If she never tells anyone what happened, then she will never have to deal with the emotional pain that rape brings up every day.

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