Feminists in Greenwich Village had begun bobbing their hair in 1912. In 1915, it was still radical. “The idea, it seems, came from Russia, ” the New York Times reported. “The intellectual women of that country were revolutionaries. For convenience in disguising themselves when the police trailed them, they cropped their hair.”2 Holloway was something of a revolutionary, too. Jill Lepore
About This Quote

Holloway was something of a revolutionary, too. It’s not clear whether she confused bobbing her hair with radicalism or if the bobbing of her hair was just a small part of her overall plan. There’s no reason to assume that she understood all the implications of intentionally getting a haircut in a way that would make it easier for the police to track her down. But she did know that she could make it harder for them to catch her if she changed hair styles.

The idea of deliberately making yourself harder to find is one you see over and over again throughout history. She didn’t do this as an act of defiance against the authorities, as some modern feminists might do today, but as a means to protect herself from those authorities.

Source: The Secret History Of Wonder Woman

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  3. Feminists in Greenwich Village had begun bobbing their hair in 1912. In 1915, it was still radical. “The idea, it seems, came from Russia, ” the New York Times reported. “The intellectual women of that country were revolutionaries. For convenience in disguising themselves when the...

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