Girls at war opt for a quieter cruelty than fistfights and drive-by shootings. Girls circumvent the corporeal and go straight for each other's souls. The bleeding is harder to stanch.

Jillian Lauren
Girls at war opt for a quieter cruelty than fistfights...
Girls at war opt for a quieter cruelty than fistfights...
Girls at war opt for a quieter cruelty than fistfights...
Girls at war opt for a quieter cruelty than fistfights...
About This Quote

A friend of mine once told me that girls at war were really scary. The next day I received an email from a girl that had been in a brutal fight, not only did she injure her arm, but she also injured her pride. She was hurt because one of her friends told her she didn't belong with the group of girls that were fighting. This hurt the girl's pride the most because she had fought for so long, and she had never backed down once.

The fact that one person could do so much damage to someone who was so strong made me think about what this girl would have done if it was her friend being hurt. Girls at war usually stick together through any means possible, whether they are on the inside or on the outside of the fight. They typically use words rather than fists or guns before they do anything physical to each other.

They are happy to hurt each other, but they are very sad when their friends are hurt because they know how much they care about them.

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