I was driven to go into book writing by the very nature of journalism and blogging. Both are ephemeral. Journalists and bloggers can have humongous egos. But in the end, what they write is really a passing show. I wanted something more lasting – a record of sorts, something people can look back to and relish again like hot, home—brewed coffee. Barista Uno
About This Quote

The discipline of writing a book is a very long and arduous task. It requires a certain amount of self-control and dedication. In order to write a book, one has to be able to write strong, persuasive prose. You have to have a tremendous amount of patience as your work will be rejected quite a few times before you reach the final product.

Your work will be corrected quite a few times before it is finally complete. The process of writing a book can be compared to the process of brewing coffee. One needs to allow the coffee to brew for some time before drinking it.

This is because the coffee goes through many changes from being ground up beans to being brewed by the person who prepared the beverage.

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More Quotes By Barista Uno
  1. I was driven to go into book writing by the very nature of journalism and blogging. Both are ephemeral. Journalists and bloggers can have humongous egos. But in the end, what they write is really a passing show. I wanted something more lasting – a...

  2. A writer should be able to open a window or two for others to see the world and themselves in a new light. Anything less is just self—indulgence and intellectual masturbation.

  3. A writer should be able to open a window or two and prompt others to see the world and themselves in a new light. Anything less is just self—indulgence and intellectual masturbation.

  4. Unlike the ancients, modern man does not see Mother Earth as some kind of goddess like Gaia, the ancestral mother of all life in Greek mythology. He has de—mythicized her, reduced her to an object, a specimen, to be studied by scientists and exploited by...

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