Their conversation ceased abruptly with the entry of an oddly-shaped man whose body resembled a certain vegetable. He was a thickset fellow with calloused and jaundiced skin and a patch of brown hair, a frizzy upheaval. We will call him Bell Pepper. Bell Pepper sidled up beside The Drippy Man and looked at the grilled cheese in his hand. The Drippy Man, a bit uncomfortable at the heaviness of the gaze, politely apologized and asked Bell Pepper if he would like one. “Why is one of your legs fatter than the other?” asked Bell Pepper. The Drippy Man realized Bell Pepper was not looking at his sandwich but towards the inconsistency of his leg sizes. “You always get your kicks pointing out defects?” retorted The Drippy Man. “Just curious. Never seen anything like it before.” “I was raised not to feel shame and hide my legs in baggy pants.” “So you flaunt your deformity by wearing short shorts?” “Like you flaunt your pockmarks by not wearing a mask?” Bell Pepper backed away, kicking wide the screen door, making an exit to a porch over hanging a dune of sand that curved into a jagged upward jab of rock. “He is quite sensitive, ” commented The Dry Advisor. “Who is he?” “A fellow who once manipulated the money in your wallet but now curses the fellow who does. Jeff Phillips
About This Quote

A new product was released, a new advertising campaign was developed, and a new customer service representative was hired. The marketing team has been impressed with the new hire’s outgoing personality and willingness to learn. The advertising team is pleased with the campaign’s creative execution and believes it will be remembered as one of the great campaigns of all time. The customer service team is thrilled with how eager the newest representative has been to learn new techniques and wants to learn more about his background. He seems to be one of those people who really enjoys learning something new, so he wanted to ask where he came from.

Source: Turban Tan

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