When God communed with these ancient writers, He did not inform them that the seat of emotion is actually the brain rather than the innards. God is infinitely wise, and His reasons for not correcting the ancients' physiological knowledge can only be speculated upon. One may postulate that to revise the ancients' entire understanding of science was superfluous to the purpose and message God had for these people. God did not feel the need to update their scientific knowledge–perhaps because God felt no need to do so, or perhaps to do so would have bewildered them and made them suspicious of this God who knew nothing of their 'correct' science. . Aaron R. Yilmaz
About This Quote

God was not in the mood to correct the writers of the Bible. He didn't feel it necessary to enlighten them on scientific discoveries that would have left them unable to understand how the world works. He felt that faith was enough for these people, so he allowed them to believe what they wanted. However, when God did communicate with these writers, they were not told about the brain's role in emotion. The writers may have thought God was trying to dissuade them from their faith in Him because He knew they were wrong about human emotion.

Source: Deliver Us From Evolution?: A Christian Biologists Indepth Look At The Evidence Reveals A Surprising Harmony Between Science And God

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