As a young woman, I had been seeking experience, knowledge, truth, the stuff writers need in their work, but when the artist actually kicked in, I came to understand that in this romantic relationship I was not free to be myself, or to find myself, in order to begin the true work I needed to do. Taiye Selasi
Some Similar Quotes
  1. True love is usually the most inconvenient kind. - Kiera Cass

  2. When in a relationship, a real man doesn't make his woman jealous of others, he makes others jealous of his woman. - Steve Maraboli

  3. Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around. Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you. Spend your life with people who make you... - Roy T. Bennett

  4. I will not try to convince you to love me, to respect me, to commit to me. I deserve better than that; I AM BETTER THAN THAT...Goodbye. - Steve Maraboli

  5. You’ve changed me forever. And I’ll never forget you. - Kiera Cass

More Quotes By Taiye Selasi
  1. They were doers and thinkers and lovers and seekers and givers, but dreamers, most dangerously of all.

  2. He feels a second pang now for the existence of perfection, the stubborn existence of perfection in the most vulnerable of things and in the face of his refusal-logical-admirable refusal-to engage with this existence in his heart, in his mind. For the comfortless logic, the...

  3. She sleeps like a cocoyam. A thing without senses. She sleeps like his mother, unplugged from the world.

  4. Every Christmas, all around Ghana, there are tons of these parties and they are full of everything that exists in human life in Ghana and worldwide.

  5. As a young woman, I had been seeking experience, knowledge, truth, the stuff writers need in their work, but when the artist actually kicked in, I came to understand that in this romantic relationship I was not free to be myself, or to find myself,...

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