I guess I'm a bit of a romantic.

Felicity Jones
Some Similar Quotes
  1. I like the scientific spirit–the holding off, the being sure but not too sure, the willingness to surrender ideas when the evidence is against them: this is ultimately fine–it always keeps the way beyond open–always gives life, thought, affection, the whole man, a chance to... - Walt Whitman

  2. Name the different kinds of people, ’ said Miss Lupescu. ‘Now.’Bod thought for a moment. ‘The living, ’ he said. ‘Er. The dead.’ He stopped. Then, ‘... Cats?’ he offered, uncertainly. - Neil Gaiman

  3. If you can get others to believe that your random guesses are actual answers, they’ll never guess that you never understood the question in the first place. - Craig D. Lounsbrough

  4. I want to ‘think’ that I have all the answers. But if I ‘think’, I soon realize that what I thought to be answers were guesses. And if I ‘think’ yet again, I begin to realize that since God has all the answers He never... - Craig D. Lounsbrough

  5. My dreams become reality. Your dreams become forgotten. I guess that's why we're different, I don't fit into the crowd. Whereas you're part of the flock. - Anthony T. Hincks

More Quotes By Felicity Jones
  1. In a way, 'Like Crazy' keys into our generation, this idea of now we can still be in communication. Where do the boundaries of relationships end?

  2. In everyday life, I like APC, Isabel Marant, but I also like Zara. It depends how I'm feeling on the day. I like clothes that have a certain strength to them - simple but graphic.

  3. I think that my parents' divorce gave me a very strong sense of self-reliance and independence. I realised that I needed to make sure I could support myself because you don't know what's going to happen in the future.

  4. I always had a very strong sense of independence. I really liked being able to buy my Alanis Morissette 'Jagged Little Pill' album. I wore that as a badge of honor. I love not having to rely on anyone.

  5. Acting has always existed alongside my normal life. It's been a case of learning on the job. I've worked in so many styles, with so many people, so I've picked bits up from everyone and everything.

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