The ocean is a central image. It is the symbolism of a great journey.

Some Similar Quotes
  1. I was always an unusual girl. My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean. - Lana Del Rey

  2. It is a curious situation that the sea, from which life first arose should now be threatened by the activities of one form of that life. But the sea, though changed in a sinister way, will continue to exist; the threat is rather to life... - Rachel Carson

  3. It is beautiful, it is endless, it is full and yet seems empty. It hurts us. - Jackson Pearce

  4. Her happiness floated like waves of ocean along the coast of her life. She found lyrics of her life in his arms but she never sung her song. - Santosh Kalwar

  5. I'm always happy when I'm surrounded by water, I think I'm a Mermaid or I was a mermaid. The ocean makes me feel really small and it makes me put my whole life into perspective… it humbles you and makes you feel almost like you’ve... - Unknown

More Quotes By Enya
  1. I could have been more famous if I did all the glitzy things, but celebrity always seemed so unnecessary.

  2. I find that music makes people just sit and listen, firstly. Then, they seem to interpret their own emotions with the music and it makes them ponder their own life a lot. And then they start to question: Am I happy in my work? Am...

  3. I do promotion when it is necessary, but I always want to get back to the music.

  4. The spring, summer, is quite a hectic time for people in their lives, but then it comes to autumn, and to winter, and you can't but help think back to the year that was, and then hopefully looking forward to the year that is approaching.

  5. The ocean is a central image. It is the symbolism of a great journey.

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