One of the interesting applications of symbolic systems is artificial intelligence, and I spent some time thinking about how to create a brain that operates the way ours does.

Marissa Mayer
Some Similar Quotes
  1. ...and you drink a little too much and try a little too hard. And you go home to a cold bed and think, 'That was fine'. And your life is a long line of fine. - Gillian Flynn

  2. The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think. - Horace Walpole

  3. Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel. - Jean Racine

  4. Don't JustDon't just learn, experience. Don't just read, absorb. Don't just change, transform. Don't just relate, advocate. Don't just promise, prove. Don't just criticize, encourage. Don't just think, ponder. Don't just take, give. Don't just see, feel. Don’t just dream, do. Don't just hear, listen.... - Roy T. Bennett

  5. Closed in a room, my imagination becomes the universe, and the rest of the world is missing out. - Criss Jami

More Quotes By Marissa Mayer
  1. I like to do matrices. One option per line, different facets for each column. Salary, location, happiness index, failure index, and all that.

  2. When people think about computer science, they imagine people with pocket protectors and thick glasses who code all night.

  3. One of the interesting applications of symbolic systems is artificial intelligence, and I spent some time thinking about how to create a brain that operates the way ours does.

  4. I came in as an engineer and worked on artificial intelligence at Google. I worked on related sites and matching advertising to queries with some of our earliest ads.

  5. Really in technology, it's about the people, getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment and helping to find a way to innovate.

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