Your relationships will take you beyond the boundaries of your normal strength. Encouragement gives struggling people eyes to see the unseen Christ.

Timothy S. Lane
Your relationships will take you beyond the boundaries of your...
Your relationships will take you beyond the boundaries of your...
Your relationships will take you beyond the boundaries of your...
Your relationships will take you beyond the boundaries of your...
About This Quote

When it comes to relationships, you are always going to be stronger than the other person. Your relationship will be different because the relationship is with the Lord, not you. It will take you beyond your normal strength and bring something out of you that you didn’t know was there. It will challenge you to be more than who you are today.

Source: Relationships: A Mess Worth Making

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  1. Your relationships will take you beyond the boundaries of your normal strength. Encouragement gives struggling people eyes to see the unseen Christ.

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  3. Every good relationship we have is a gift of God's grace. Left to ourselves, nothing good would happen. Our problem has everything to do with sin and our potential has everything to do with Christ. Sin always draws towards self-interest. It is possible that even...

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